








Romania Cup is a football tournament held annually in Romania. It is one of the most prestigious tournaments in the country and attracts some of the best teams from around the world.

The tournament was first held in the year 2000 and has since grown in popularity. It is now one of the most watched football tournaments in Romania and is broadcasted on television and radio. The tournament is divided into two stages, the group stage and the knockout stage. The group stage consists of four groups of four teams each. The teams are then divided into two groups, the top two teams from each group advance to the knockout stage.

The knockout stage consists of two semi-finals and a final. The semi-finals are played between the top two teams from each group and the winner of each semi-final advances to the final. The final is played between the two semi-final winners and the winner of the final is crowned the champion.

The tournament is a great opportunity for teams to showcase their skills and compete against some of the best teams in the world. It also provides an opportunity for players to gain international recognition and experience playing in a competitive tournament.

The Romania Cup is a great event for football fans in Romania and around the world. It is a great way to celebrate the sport and the country’s footballing heritage.


俩孩子他爸: "再各进一个,致敬曼联的1:6"
07-08 09:05
小肥鱼火锅: "不如埃德森踩球,一直到比赛结束 2比0 也可以啊"
07-07 12:34
公告: "请勿将账号出借、出售给他人使用,以免被不法分子利用从事违法活动,造成的后果将由账号所属人承担。"
07-06 16:40
Arteta114: "男宾五位,够了够了"
07-05 17:07
~偽①娤●ㄋ: "牛逼"
07-04 15:07
Jacks1mple: "还补时呢????"
07-03 14:17
库里牛逼鸭: "卧槽全场1.5犹豫没买"
07-02 06:45
大赚顺890117: "继续角球和进球不要停"
07-01 14:40
吧友_D8vXinlk: "你再看看汉堡,都被干傻了"
06-30 16:03
亨利莱昂纳德: "没中场,脱节。可以说全是进攻型和防守型,没有攻守兼备的,除了得红牌的扎卡,而扎卡也是不让人放心的防守球员。"
06-29 14:39
魔人布欧最顶: "花最多的钱,挨最毒的打!一亿多买得都是啥⊙∀⊙?3场0进球!阿4纳变成了阿14纳?阿尔特塔真菜[盖被子][捂脸]"
06-28 13:30
Arteta114: "男宾五位,够了够了"
06-27 11:08
暧昧not情调: "来了 兄弟们"
06-26 07:10
爱吃麻辣: "阿特尔塔可以下岗了"
06-25 16:08
tonypan: "三场比赛一场未进"
06-24 10:06
你爸爸邀请你: "跪求一球"
06-23 12:33
luke166: "主队加油12"
06-22 16:16
Arteta114: "男宾五位,够了够了"
06-21 16:35
小肥鱼火锅: "不如埃德森踩球,一直到比赛结束 2比0 也可以啊"
06-20 15:16
我是你的爹dad: "不出意外还有一球"
06-19 14:39







